What happens if the story finds you?
A Second Story production
Collaborators: Lucy Mcrae
- Primiere: Tribeca Virtual Arcade
- Year: 2015
Here to There is an aural, spatial storytelling experiment using wearable technology that tells a non-linear narrative that takes place in the future, past and present. Actors and audience members were interactive wearables, and the story unfolds through exploring the environment and interacting with others. The project is a Second Story collaboration with Sci-fi Artist Lucy McRae.
Here to There is a spatial, non-linear narrative experiment using wearable technology as a new medium for immersive storytelling that Second Story debuted at the Tribeca Film Festival’s Interactive Playground (2015).
The audience discovered the story through wearable devices and actors. The actors wore Relators, custom helmets that related the story to the audience. The audience had the freedom explore the festival space while wearing custom headphones called Receivers. When a Receiver came into proximity with a relator, parts of of the story were revealed. Aided by the choreography of the actors, the audience experienced a non-linear narrative built from their proximity and interactions with the different characters.
We had the pleasure of collaborating with Sci-Fi artist and Body Architect Lucy McRae who wrote the script of one person’s life journey that transpires in the past, present, and future. Lucy explores themes of vulnerability in technology, extending the human body via our own biology, and the future of our existence. Lucy’s body of work inspired the form factor and material of the headsets.